Australia's toughest competitive one day XC marathon MTB event.
175km I +4,000m elev I 12hrs race cut-off time
175km I +4,000m elev I 12hrs race cut-off time
“The Terrain was brutal and beautiful and if you’re looking for the ultimate physical challenge then this is for you” – Tasman Nankervis [2nd place Cattlemen 100 2020]
Cattlemen 100 MTB (mountain bike) is a regional cycling event spanning across Omeo, Omeo Valley and Benambra, highlighting the High Country’s breathtaking landscape. There is something for the whole family including, post race award ceremony, live music, food, beverage and much more.
There is also prize money to be won by male and female place holders!
(Click your name for an extra result info. Viewing results on mobile devices works best in the landscape mode)